Our Supporter Promise
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Our Supporter Promise

Beat exists to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders. Our success is entirely dependent on people like you - our donors, fundraisers and supporters.

We are committed to being open and honest in all we do and treating you with the respect you deserve. The promise below outlines the values and commitments we aim to live by in all our fundraising activities.

How we communicate with you

  • We aim to empower you by providing you with the information you need to make informed decisions.
  • We take care to avoid using content that may be triggering or harmful to our supporters.
  • We aim to produce clear, engaging communications which demonstrate the importance of your support, without exaggeration or manipulation.
  • We are clear about how we communicate with you and make it easy for you to change your preferences at any time.
  • If you tell us you’d rather not be contacted, or you’d rather we didn’t contact you in a certain way, we will do so.

How we fundraise

  • We are committed to fundraising respectfully, honestly and sensitively.
  • When you are fundraising for us, we are clear that your health and wellbeing are the most important thing.
  • We will not put undue pressure on you to make a gift. If you do not want to give or wish to stop giving, we will respect your decision.
  • We work with our fundraisers, volunteers and suppliers to ensure they comply with this Promise.
  • We have a procedure for dealing with people in vulnerable circumstances and an Ethical Fundraising Policy (available on request).
  • We aim to work above and beyond the Fundraising Regulator’s standards.

How we spend your donations 

  • We spend your donation(s) wisely, keeping administration costs to a minimum. We are able to explain our fundraising costs and why they are in our beneficiaries’ best interests.
  • When your donation(s) is made towards Beat’s general purpose (e.g. in response to appeals) we may spend your donation to deliver any part of Beat’s activities.
  • When your donation(s) is made on a restricted basis, we will spend your donation(s) only on the activity specified in our request for your support or agreement with you.
  • We may turn down a donation if we feel that accepting it is not right for Beat. If we do, we’ll explain why.

How we use your personal details

  • We respect your right to privacy and adhere to laws around the use of personal data.
  • We do not sell, trade or swap your personal details with any other organisation.
  • We take care to store your information securely and only for as long as is necessary.
  • We may use profiling techniques to send you more targeted appeals or personalised approaches where this makes our fundraising more efficient.
  • Full details about how we collect, use and look after your personal details is available in our Privacy Policy.

How you can feed back

  • If there are times when we fail to meet the high standards set out above, we want to know about them so we can learn for the future.
  • To make a complaint about anything you are unhappy with, or to share your feedback or suggestions with us, email complaints@beateatingdisorders.org.uk.
  • We will respond honestly and promptly to your complaint or feedback.
  • Where possible, we will take urgent action to resolve the situation; and ensure we make changes to improve our approach in future.
  • A copy of our Complaints Policy is available upon request.
  • Our Promise to you will evolve and develop as we receive your feedback.