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Journalling ideas

Journaling can be a helpful tool in eating disorder recovery. It can be a useful way to get your thoughts and feelings out, as well as process difficult emotions.

There is no right or wrong way to do it, whatever way feels best for you.

Here are some ways you might want to express yourself:

  1. Make a list
  2. Write a poem or song
  3. Use images to express how you feel or what's on your mind
  4. Write down your daily intentions for the day to support your recovery
  5. Write down your strengths, things you like about yourself and things that you are proud of
  6. Write a letter to someone (this could be a friend, family member, professional or to yourself. You don’t necessarily have to send it; the act of writing could be enough to help process your feelings)
  7. Write a story with you as the main character
  8. Write down your routine (sleep routine or daily planner)

Suggestions for general journaling prompts:

Eating disorder specific prompts:

Helpful resources

Distraction techniques

Recovery stories

Reach out to your GP

Action plan