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Beat thanks local Sainsbury's staff and customers for support

June marked the end of Beat’s year-long partnership with Sainsbury’s Pound Lane, local to our headquarters in Norwich. The partnership raised over £3000 for Beat through staff and customer collections, as well as raffles and music nights that Sainsbury’s staff organised throughout the year.

Beat Community Fundraising Officer Andrea said: “A huge thank you to the staff and customers at Sainsbury’s Pound Lane who have made this partnership so wonderful. We’ve been astounded by the response and the support for our cause. The money raised is going to make a real difference by helping families to find the information they need to overcome these devastating illnesses.”

Beat receives no central Government funding for its activities, and we would not be able to keep running our support services or raise awareness of eating disorders without the generosity of those who donate to us. We’re grateful for partnerships like this that bring communities together to address the issues facing those with eating disorders.

You can find out about how your workplace can get involved with supporting Beat by clicking here, or about planning your own fundraising event here.