Beat's Eating Disorder Awareness Week Fundraising Challenge. Come Twogether with Beat 💜
Annual awareness week for putting eating disorders in the spotlight
Fundraising at your school is an amazing way of raising awareness.
Read our step by step guide to set up your JustGiving fundraising page and tips on how to personalise.
We want to ensure students know where to go for help and support when needed.
Get the whole team working together to raise funds for Beat.
Everything you need to fundraise for Beat in one place.
Campaign with us to help end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders
With our campaigns, we are moving closer to getting everyone with an eating disorder the early treatment they deserve.
People affected by eating disorders must not be further put at risk by Government public health strategy.
Lives are put at risk by long waiting times for treatment. This is unacceptable and we must change it.
Medical students receive less than two hours of teaching on eating disorders. We're worth more than 2 hours.
An update on Beat's campaign for all UK medical schools to provide effective education on eating disorders.