Say 'NO' to calories on menus in Scotland - Beat
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Say 'NO' to calories on menus in Scotland

The Scottish Government is considering introducing calories on menus, as part of its Diet and Healthy Weight Delivery Plan.

That means every time you go to restaurants, cafes or takeaways, you’ll see a calorie count for every single thing you eat or drink. From starter to dessert, coffee to cocktail.

Why does it matter? 

Well, there’s very little evidence that calorie-labelling helps you get healthier. But the research does show that it harms people with eating disorders.

We know because we’ve spent years campaigning against calories on menus. And despite our best efforts, similar legislation was introduced in England this April.

Sadly, we’ve already seen the negative impact.

Since April, many of our beneficiaries have reported struggling with these changes when seeking help via our services.

“If this law had come into place while I was struggling, it would have been confirmation that calories should inform all of my food choices. It would have severely damaged my recovery, and my heart aches for those who may be struggling now.”

Together, we have taken a stand

We wrote an open letter to Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Public Health, Women's Health and Sport, urging her to reconsider the plans to make calorie labelling on menus the law across Scotland. Over 3500 people added their name to the letter, and stood with us against this potentially harmful legislation.

We've delivered the letter, but it's not too late to get your voice heard on this. You can share your views and experiences of calorie labelling, to help us to put you and your experiences at the heart of the conversation on this.

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