The difference you make
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The Difference You Make

Our Impact 2023-2024

Thanks to your support, our services helped people in need 70,396 times last year. We couldn't have done this without you.

Each year we support tens of thousands of people and their loved ones on their journeys towards recovery from an eating disorder. Your donations and fundraising efforts make this possible – we simply couldn’t do it without you.

I rang Beat last night [and] you helped me immensely. Today is a better day. The anxiety of yesterday has passed. After speaking to you, I was able to tell my husband that I was struggling and feeling overwhelmed. I feel so lucky to have your support at this time.

Thanks to you, anyone who is worried about themselves or a loved one can contact our Helpline services 365 days a year, so no one has to face an eating disorder alone.

Thanks to you, going to the doctor about eating disorder symptoms isn’t so scary because people know that help and recovery is possible.

Thanks to you, family members and friends know how to support their loved one's recovery and are able to receive support themselves.

How your money is put to work

How your money is spent

*We are investing in growing Beat’s fundraising and marketing at the moment because we want to help even more people in the future, so this number is slightly higher than normal.

How your money helps


Provides a parent whose child is ill with regular peer support sessions for one month



Funds the supervision of five peer support volunteers to help families cope



Pays for information and posters to be displayed in schools and universities



Pays for a trained Helpline advisor for an hour to provide support, guidance and advice


For me, Beat has been more than just a charitable organisation. It has been that friendly voice at the end of the phone on the days that I couldn't face eating, it has been the place of safety for my family and friends who were trying to figure out how they could help and support me, and, most importantly, it has always advocated recovery.

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