Ready to get Twogether?!
Want to get involved?
Hold a coffee morning with friends, at work or in your local community. Or why not get family Twogether for a sponsored walk?
You can take on any activity for Beat during our Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Whether you cycle, camp, game or dance anything goes as long as you do it Twogether with Beat!
Order your Twogether fundraising pack
Plan a sponsored walk with your friends. Choose a route, set your distance, and collect donations.
With colleagues, friends or in your local community. Come Twogether for a coffee morning and raise funds for Beat.
We want you to have fun and stay safe so it's important to choose a fundraising activity that is right for you. It’s especially important that you choose an appropriate fundraising activity if you have previous experience of an eating disorder or are in recovery. Please follow our Fundraising Guidelines to ensure your fundraising is suitable, legal, and safe for everyone involved.
Twogether will run from 24th February to 2nd March to coincide with our Eating Disorder Awareness Week.
Just click on the sign up button on this page in order to enter your details and receive your fundraising pack!
We recommend setting up a JustGiving page to collect all of your donations. We have guidance on how to make your page stand out here.
If you want to fundraise offline, you can download our sponsorship form or order collection pots from us and send in your donations once your fundraiser has finished.
If you feel comfortable to, we fully support you sharing your story. You have the power to raise awareness about eating disorders and let others know they’re not alone. You can find advice on sharing your story here.
Absolutely! We would be thrilled to have you join Team Beat in whatever way works best for you.
We would love to hear from you! You can either email or call us on 01603 753 308.
Absolutely! Once you've set up your fundraising page on JustGiving, complete our form here to order your t-shirt.We ask for a suggested donation of £10 per t-shirt. This can be made on our website.
The fundraising pack does include a A3 fundraising poster, stickers and balloons.
Fill in our form here to order free resources. We have balloons, flags, leaflets, posters and collection boxes.