Setting up a just giving page
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Set up your JustGiving page

Setting up your JustGiving page is quick and easy. It allows you have have all your donations online in one place for your friends and family to donate and see your progress.

How to create your page

  • Visit the Beat page and click the ‘Fundraise for us’ button.
  • Enter your account details to log in or if you’re new to Just Giving, click ‘Sign Up’ at the bottom of the page.
  • Choose the type of fundraising you are doing. Let us know whether you're taking part in an event, celebrating an occasion, fundraising in memory or doing your own thing.
  • Fill in the form with a few more details about your activity.
  • Choose your web address – this is the link you’ll be sharing with friends and family when asking them to donate.
  • If you're running a bake sale, or selling tickets to an event, raffle or auction select ‘yes’ when asked if you will be asking for donations in return for goods or services. This means donations to your Page won't be eligible for Gift Aid.
  • Click "Create your page"

Top tips to personalise your page

Tell your story

You could raise 65% more when you write a page summary

A well-written story is the best way to connect with potential supporters.

We recommend including why you decided to fundraise, why Beat means so much to you and what event or challenge you're taking part in.

Add a picture

You could boost your donations by 23%!

The first thing that your supporters will look at is your photo selection – the more the merrier.

Our top tip? Choose your cover photo wisely as this is the image that appears when your share your page on social media.​

Shoot for a target

Setting a fundraising target can lead to a 17% increase in the amount you raise.

It gives your supporters a goal to get behind, so don't be afraid to go big!

You can also increase your target as you go, so if you're nearing your target, remember to up it.


Donating to your own page to get you started could raise you a whopping 84% more.

Some people are nervous to make the first move - so do it for them! By starting your fundraiser off, it encourages others to donate too.

Share far and wide

Sharing your page on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp will help you raise more.

Let people know about the good stuff you're doing. They won't know if you don't tell them!

Don't forget email

There are lots of people who are not on social networks but would love to hear about what you are doing so reach out via email.

Perhaps you can ask to include your fundraiser in a staff email newsletter.

Post updates

On average, people who post updates get 8% more donations!

Every milestone matters. Use your page update as your diary, people love to see what you’ve been up to.

Connect fitness apps

You could raise 111% more by connecting your fitness apps.

Supporters can keep track of your progress when you log your training on your Strava or Fitbit account.

Say thanks

20% of donations come in after your event has ended.

Make sure you follow up to thank your supporters. You never know, they might donate again!