University is an exciting time but can also be a time of significant change and pressure. Students who are vulnerable can develop an eating disorder; students who already have one may find it gets worse. The university environment can mask symptoms and make it harder for students to stay connected to treatment services and their support network.
Bridging the Gap is for anyone working closely with university students. You will increase the chances of early detection and prevent students falling through the gaps, ensuring cases are picked up.
Delivered by eating disorder clinicians with extensive experience in the field, it is designed to help staff identify when a student is suspected of having an eating disorder, if they are well enough for study, and other important considerations, including inquest conclusions from the Averil Hart tragedy.
"Beat do vital work in sharing knowledge about eating disorders and helping prevent what could be huge issues in someone’s life as well as aiding them through the treatment process. It’s so important to have this training to equip yourself on how you can play a part."
This is a structured and interactive workshop. Attendees reflect on their own encounters and within groups share stories and experiences. This course also includes an understanding of Beat’s services and signposting to local services. Attendees hear from the voices of those with lived experience of an eating disorder as well as from the eating disorder clinician leading the training.
Training is available for purchase only as a complete set*, either online or in-person:
*If you are an individual seeking training, please share our training with your department's budget holder and ask them to contact us. You can find our resources for individuals seeking professional development here.
For more information on our training for university staff, read our Bridging the Gap Commissioning Guide.
"I have had lots of superb feedback from many staff who attended and a real sense of ‘we need to get better at what we do’ and I am confident they will now that they are armed with a better understanding."
Bridging the Gap is currently only available to purchase as a group course. Interested in attending? Get in touch with your budget holder and ask them to fill out our form and we'll be in touch.