Bulimia stories

Not Sick Enough
My name is Carly. I have had bulimia for eight years, and I have never been treated for it.

It's common for people suffering with bulimia to slip under the radar. A lot of the time those suffering don't tend to look that differently physically, so how would anyone know what is going on?

From bulimia to recovery
Natalie shares her recovery from bulimia and says there is hope. With the right support and education, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

"I've only got bulimia"
My head was constantly filled with self-loathing thoughts. I couldn't concentrate on anything other than hating the skin I was in.

Pregnancy with a history of bulimia nervosa
I'm now pregnant and suffering from Hypermeresis Gravidarum (HG), which is an extreme form of morning sickness.

Learning to love yourself
I don’t have an eating disorder. If you have an eating disorder you are skinny, you are a young girl, you have self-control.