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Read the latest blogs on eating disorders. Written by our supporters, they cover real life experiences including recovery.

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I'd never considered that I had an eating disorder, but the way I was treated by my GP was how I ended up getting treatment.

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By choosing recovery, you will give to yourself the best chance to find your real happiness.

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Recovery takes time and it isn’t a race – as long as I’m on the right track it doesn’t matter how long it takes me to reach the finish line. I'’ll get there eventually, and next Christmas perhaps anorexia won’t be invited at all.

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Isabella discusses navigating Christmas with an eating disorder and Beat's support services over Christmas.

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We need to challenge the perception that anorexia is purely about body image, or that we are ‘choosing’ not to eat.

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The natural world has taught me about transience, how to appreciate each delicate thread of life’s vibrant tapestry.

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Like bees and every other living organism, I know deep down that I deserve to eat too, I deserve to care for myself.

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30 August 2021

'I am Me'

Lauren chose to use her own experiences to produce something positive: a picture book about eating disorders!

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Sam got creative during the pandemic with his fundraising for the London Marathon!

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Abi's skydive was postponed 5 times due to the pandemic, but it was certainly worth the wait!

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