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Now, I’m having to source ingredients and make food-related decisions in the moment, thus shaking me from my self-imposed reverie. This, added to my constant fear of someone coughing on me next to the tubs of Hellmans makes what should be a straightforward activity into a frantic, emotionally charged scenario.

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These two posts, written two years apart, show how Mel managed to overcome a lot of the anxiety she felt around shopping for food.

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Spreading kindness during this period in time is such a beautiful thing to do not only for those you are offering kindness to but also for your own wellbeing.

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The theme of this week is ‘kindness’. That means, we can all be kind for 7 days, and then get back to being cruel, nasty and inconsiderate.

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I have suffered with anorexia for about 2 1/2 years now, and the descent into the disorder was very fast and absolutely devastating.

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Self-care is a broad term that could mean anything from eating well to hypnosis, exercising to getting a haircut, watching your favourite film at the end of a long day with a foot bath to seeing a therapist. The list goes on and on.

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Ramadan this year is very different for all Muslim households, as the coronavirus pandemic has dramatically changed everything.

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Covid-19 is doing strange things to my perception, my lungs, my mind. And strangely, I am also thinking… “Phew, I’m glad I’ve been locked up before!”

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We asked some of our Ambassadors to consider times when they’d dealt with similar situations to what people with eating disorders may be experiencing with coronavirus.

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Beat Ambassador Summer shares her thoughts on how to cope with eating disorders during this time.

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This is an incredibly challenging and stressful time and it may not feel like it right now, but you will look back on these few weeks and months and you’ll be so proud of yourself for getting through this.

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This is a very difficult time for everyone, and we are all struggling in a manner of ways. Even those with healthy and good relationships with food are finding this time challenging. It’s really okay to struggle.

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