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Read the latest blogs on eating disorders. Written by our supporters, they cover real life experiences including recovery.

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After a good three years of recovery from anorexia, my first thought whenever someone rejects me is: 'I wonder if they'd like me if I were thinner.'

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I’ve worked tirelessly in day care, private therapy and on my own to get as “recovered” as I can possibly be. I wasn’t content with surviving with an eating disorder. To me the mental torture and confines are the worst part, so a healthy body without a quality of life was not enough.

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I wanted to share some of my experiences to hopefully encourage others to follow their dreams and not let their eating disorder get in the way of travelling, moving out of home, going to university or any other dreams that currently feel unachievable.

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I believe no matter how hard it may be there will always be a way out. You don’t need anorexia to define who you are. It's okay to let it go.

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Take on The Big Jump together to help end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders.

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Take part in this epic and prestigious challenge to ensure that Beat are there to help more families face eating disorders together.

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My eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, started off in 2012 when I was at university. I was having flashbacks and nightmares; I felt very vulnerable.

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18 July 2019


Recovery must be your choice, the one you must make despite the eating disorder feeling like your only friend, this is not real, it’s an illusion, it’s all fake.

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11 July 2019


At school her best friend called her fat. She took up a measuring tape and that was that.

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On 8 July 2019, the Victoria Derbyshire show discussed the state of eating disorder treatment and the importance of family empowerment. One parent whose daughter has been ill with anorexia for eight years shares her experience.

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Since turning 30, I have come to realise just how much of my life has been wasted and controlled by my eating disorder.

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19 June 2019

"Now I am living"

I wake up each morning, I take a deep breath, I sit there and listen, To thoughts in my head.

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