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The demands of maintaining an eating disorder alongside working full-time were too much, and the eating disorder often won.

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The thought of recovery is scary, but I’ve got further than I ever dreamed of, and you can too.

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I felt sick all the time. Thought about food all the time. Lied and kept secrets and snuck around and hid. I did some terrible things.

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But what is it like to live with an eating disorder? I often hear 'you don’t look like you have an eating disorder'.

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My head was constantly filled with self-loathing thoughts. I couldn't concentrate on anything other than hating the skin I was in.

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4 October 2017

We can all beat this

At the age of eight, I started to see a change in myself. I started comparing myself to everybody I saw.

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For me, this was not simply a journey of losing weight, getting fitter, and gaining strength. In fact, those things were secondary in my mind.

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28 September 2017


This poem is mainly about the complexity of my anorexia nervosa, which I have suffered from for five years now.

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I have always been the type of person who wants to learn about things I don’t understand.

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Knowing it takes a long time can be miserable, but what I think I & fellow sufferers have to keep at the forefront of their minds is their motivations.

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You know my friend is scared but you don’t know how strong she is. She’s tough, really tough. She’s got good people around her who love and support her.

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I'm now pregnant and suffering from Hypermeresis Gravidarum (HG), which is an extreme form of morning sickness.

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