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That person who conforms to all of society's expectations may be hiding a secret.

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I don’t remember why I started making myself sick or even when, but I will always remember why and when I took the decision to stop.

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7 September 2017

Anorexia Nervosa

Read Joe's poem on his personal battle with anorexia, 'A day in the life of us'.

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People often asked me what started my anorexia. My old self had been forgotten and I was learning how to get her back again.

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I'm going to change the stigma surrounding eating disorders, help those going through the struggles of battling voices telling them they're not good enough.

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Without a doubt, people look at you and long for your long curly hair, your curves, your eyes or your confidence.

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If I could speak to myself at each of the pivotal moments in my illness, starting when my anorexia developed after my 16th birthday, this is what I'd say.

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29 August 2017

"That Voice"

I woke up a few years back with a voice in my head, at first, I thought it was my friend but over time it filled me with dread.

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If you ran a marathon without any shoes on you certainly wouldn’t win, so don’t punish yourself if you’ve had setbacks because of an eating disorder.

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I don't recall booking a flight for two, but there you were, firmly planted into the seat next to me.

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Dr Pooky Knightsmith Hesmondhalgh, a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Specialist shares a recent post from her own blog.

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Some would be shocked and consider it a waste of NHS money if I told you I spent some sessions just sobbing or in angry silence, but that was what I needed.

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