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Read the latest blogs on eating disorders. Written by our supporters, they cover real life experiences including recovery.

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All I knew from the age of 18 months was that food was scary and anything out of my ‘norm’ would make me panic.

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Recovery is wonderfully messy; making mistakes is all part of the process... Each stand you take against your eating disorder is another huge step toward recovery.

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Aware of the challenges faced by those experiencing eating disorders during the pandemic, Beat fundraiser Dave has shown astounding resilience and creativity to raise money for Beat.

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Thanks to Bolster, Holly has a new lease of life and is stepping outside of her comfort zone.

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You have to learn how to live again and, like with any lessons, you often have to fail to learn the best way or the right way...

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In the past I’ve wanted to hide the eating disorders that are part of my history, but I want to shout from the rooftops: I'm proud of how far I had come!

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If you have been struggling with binge eating during the Covid-19 pandemic, you are not alone.

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We might not be able to change the prevalence of eating disorders overnight, but we can improve the system that treats them.

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Particularly with binge eating disorder, it’s so easy to get trapped in your own head and convince yourself that you are the problem and are unworthy, and this can be so, so dangerous.

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In the run-up to Christmas, there is a lot to juggle. The gifts we need to buy, the plans we have to make to see loved ones, how we might manage disruptions to our routine - all of these things can be difficult to handle at once.

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Whatever this Christmas season is like for you, I want to give you hope for the Christmas future. I can't tell you that recovery is linear, or that five years on I don't still have wobbles and moments of doubt. But I can say that all of my efforts, all of the hard work and fear that has gone into my recovery has been worth it.

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