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I don’t have an eating disorder. If you have an eating disorder you are skinny, you are a young girl, you have self-control.

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15 August 2017

Dear Anorexia

It seems strange to write a letter to someone or something that isn’t a physical entity, but at the same time couldn’t be more real to me.

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I know it is up to me to destroy you. His fight alone would never win this war. But with him I do not face you alone.

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I never wanted to play football at school; I never really wanted to take part in anything like that. I did occasionally partake in table tennis.

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10 helpful things to say to someone with an eating disorder as knowing what to say to someone can be tricky.

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For me, letting go of anorexia and choosing recovery was about acknowledging that I had an identity separate from the eating disorder.

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Recovery made me recognise how abnormal my mind and fears were to my family and the people trying to help me.

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24 July 2017

Mark's story

Looking back, I have come to realise that the role of carers with people suffering from eating disorders is paramount to their recovery.

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23 July 2017

Helen's story

When our son was diagnosed with anorexia we were shocked, and felt like our whole lives had turned upside down.

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21 July 2017

The Best Anorexic

There's no such thing as happiness & an eating disorder co-existing together. There's no such thing as satisfied when it comes to an eating disorder.

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You can’t really capture the essence of what an eating disorder feels like with words.

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5 things never to say to a recovering anorexic. Dr Pooky Knightsmith Hesmondhalgh's post is invaluable for parents, partners, family members &friends.

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