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Read the latest blogs on eating disorders. Written by our supporters, they cover real life experiences including recovery.

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'Binge eating? Can't you just get over that with will power?' No matter what anyone says, you're suffering from a real disorder and deserve help.

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Today, for the first time in years, I can almost picture what it will feel like to be fully recovered and I want it so badly.

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Bathsheba describes her incredible trek through the Icelandic wilderness to raise money for Beat.

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This is a reminder to students that passing or failing exams isn't the end of the world. The most important thing is your health.

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If this experience has taught me anything, it is that although it is scary to take a leap of faith, to venture into the unknown, it can be so worth it.

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Having anorexia is a journey and at every step I’ve taken with this illness, my mother has been there.

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From realising I'd a problem to slowly nudging me to accept it as something I'd like to change, reading the experiences of others helped me seek support.

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7 June 2017

A Letter to ED

I will never forgive you for how you have muscled your way into my heart and soul, at a time when I am attempting to discover what belongs there.

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We are frustrated and distressed and lonely and really, really tired. So please don't give up on us, because we can't do this without you.

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31 May 2017

The struggles

Recovery is a seriously important thing – it’s difficult & takes time but it will improve. I know it doesn’t seem like it and it’s hard but you can do it.

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As I began to recover I was very determined to ‘give something back’ to the charity that had helped me so much.

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Fasting during Ramadan is advised only for those who are healthy. Those who are sick in any way or mentally unwell are exempt.

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